
Carol Show at National Museum of Ethnography


A carol show, titled “the Christ is born, praise Him!”, has been presented on Thursday at the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History in Chisinau. The organizers work towards preserving the caroling tradition and promoting the wonderful trove of carols from throughout the Romanian cultural space.

“Through this festival, we try to document live tradition from various parts of Moldova, and to encourage those who still practice it. We have over 16 participant groups. Most of them are folklore groups and church choirs,” said Museum Deputy Director Andrei Prohin.

Archpriest Mitrophorous Nicolae Ciobanu, cultural councillor to the Metropolitan Church of Moldova, mentioned that all of the cultural-spiritual activities hosted by the Museum are aimed at promoting [cultural and spiritual] values. “Together we are doing something beautiful and important,” mentioned the priest. He added that everyone involved were true contemporary apostles, as they were doing a sort of missionary church work.

“We participate with joy to such events. Our repertoire has various carols, sung by the Tronos and Armonia choir from Romania,” said Dragoș Creangă, a student of the Meșterul Manole Lyceum in Sălcuța, Căușeni.

Priest Mihai Bestian, along with the Taraclia village choir, have also participated in previous editions of the show. “We sing traditional Romanian carols, but we also have carols that come from our village. These are very old, Byzantine-style carols,” mentioned the priest.

The carol show is at its third edition, and is organized at the initiative and with the support of Nicolae Ciobanu.