
Cancer Institute doctors fired after last year’s raid


A number of doctors have been officially fired from the Cancer Institute, announced Health Minister Ala Nemerenco, adding that it was in connection with a series of raids in July 2023 that targeted bribery at the institution.

The minister recalled that the searches conducted in the suspects’ homes, offices and cars revealed significant amounts of cash and records of paying patients who normally were supposed to receive free treatment.

With the investigation now over and the cases going to court, the Cancer Institute has officially terminated the employment contracts of the suspected bribe-takers.

“I want it to be a clear signal to the entire health care system: no one is allowed to stick their hand in (someone else’s) pocket (…) Life is priceless, and we doctors mustn’t put a price tag on it. We have a much greater mission: save it”, declared Nemerenco.