
CALM formulates proposals for ensuring better functioning of LPAs


The constitution of a distinct body at governmental level that would include the local public administration, creation of a joint Government – local public administration commission centering on decentralization and restoration of a special commission for decentralization at Parliament level are some of the ideas formulated by Tatiana Badan, president of the Conges of Local Public Authorities of Moldova (CALM), in a meeting of Prime Minister Maia Sandu and representatives of LPAs on June 21, IPN reports.

Tatiana Badan also proposed that the institution she manages should be given the status of member of the Government with a consultative vote and the right to notify the Constitutional Court of problems concerning the rights and interests of the LPAs.

Maia Sandu said a series of changes will be instituted as regards the functioning of the local public administration. The allocations will be disbursed depending on the set priorities, according to the cost-benefit criteria, within the available resources. There will be ensured direct financing from the foreign partners to the local public authorities so as to reduce dependence on the central budget.

“The local public administration is one of the pillars of democracy and we came to power to prevent a repeat of the experienced things,” stated Maia Sandu.

Sergiu Litvinenko, chairman of the Parliament’s commission on appointments and immunities, presented several legislative proposals concerning the LPAs. The first of these initiatives provides that the local elections should be held the same day, more exactly on the third Sunday of October, once in four years. Other proposals concern the restoration of the rights of local councils’ secretaries to make notarial documents and the utilization of the money collected as income taxes paid by private individuals at the local level.

Igor Munteanu, chairman of the Parliament’s commission on economy, budget and finance, underlined the importance of the institutional dialogue between different state bodies and the CALM.

“During the past five years, we failed to get 22 billion lei after the relationship with the European Union was blocked. This shows the public budget should not be regarded as a marvel box and everyone should contribute to unblocking the local initiatives, developing the local economy and identifying obstacles that lead to so small local budgets,” Igor Munteanu stated, addressing the local elected officials.