
Cabinet approves Land Cadaster


Moldova has over 2.2 million ha of farmland (22,500 ha of irrigated land) of the total 2.384,7 million ha of land, according to January 1, 2019 data included in the Land Cadaster that was approved in the April 24 meeting of the Cabinet, IPN reports.

According to the Land Cadaster, the number of farmland owners stands at about 1.330 million. The publicly owned land of the state is 784,200 ha in area, which is 23.2% of the total, while of the territorial-administrative units  - over 702,06 ha in area. The privately owned land is over 1.89 million ha in area and more than 1.282 million owners possess this.

Compared with January 1, 2018, the reserve fund decreased by 33,300 ha following the exclusion of lots occupied by buildings and annexes of former agriculture units. These lots were included in the category of agricultural land.

The Land Cadaster provides the authorities of the central and local public administration, enterprises, institutions, interested organizations and citizens with information about the legal status of land, its area and quality, landowners and land users.