
Cabinet accepts resignation of Grigore Varanita following criticism leveled at ICT regulator


Grigore Varanita was discharged from the post of director of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology based on his resignation, IPN reports.

Anticipating the acceptance of the resignation, Prime Minister Pavel Filip expressed his dissatisfaction with the activity of the Agency, which provided evasive answers to the executive’s requests about the work of mobile phone carriers and Internet service providers. He noted the connection disappears on some segments of the network and the Agency should take measures to ensure its proper functioning. Pavel Filip ordered to create a commission to investigate these cases and present a report to the executive. 

In the last week’s meeting of the Cabinet, the Premier also spoke about the poor quality of the services provides by telecoms carriers. He noted there are all the instruments needed to improve the quality of the mobile phone and Internet services and the officials in charge should step up efforts to remedy the situation and should given up favoring particular carriers.