
Budget-funded employees work this Saturday


April 21 is a working day for budget-funded employees. These work for the day of April 30, when they will be free from work. Thus, in a week the budget-funded employees will have a four-day vacation, from April 28 through May 1, when it is celebrated the International Workers’ Day, IPN reports.

The salary-earners who will not be in labor relations on the day considered nonworking day or will be on leave on this day will not have to come to work on the Saturday considered working day. For those who work on Saturdays, this is an ordinary working day.

The next mini-vacation for budget-funded employees could be around May 8 and 9, when it is celebrated the Day of Victory and Remembrance for those who died in the war for the independence of the homeland.  The vacation then could start on May 6.