
Budget-funded employees work Dec. 8


This Saturday, December 8. is a working day for budget-funded employees. These work instead of December 24, which will be a nonworking day before Christmas observed according to the new style, IPN reports.

The budget-funded employees will also work on December 15 instead of December 31, which is the last day of the year. The salary earners who were free from work or were on leave on the day considered nonworking day do not have to work on Saturdays declared workdays.

Under a Government decision, April 30, May 10 and August 26 will be nonworking days in 2019. Instead, April 13, May 18 and August 17, which fall on Saturday, will be working days.

The three nonworking days will supplement the bank holidays for which no other days are worked instead. These are: January 1 (New Year’s), January 7 and 8 (Christmas celebrated according to old calendar), March 8 (International Women’s Day), April  28 and 29 (Easter Day and next day), May 1 (International Labor Day), May 6 (Low Sunday), May 9 (Victory Day/Europe Day), June 1 (International Children’s Day), August 27 (Independence Day), August 31 (Our Language Day) and December 25 (Christmas celebrated according to new calendar).