
Broadcasting authority adopts Concept of media coverage of Gagauzia legislative elections


The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) on Wednesday, January 23, adopted the Concept of media coverage of the election campaign for the Gagauz People’s Assembly, the autonomy’s legislative body. During debates on the Concept, the members of the Council pleaded for the idea of providing all the candidates with free airtime on the Public Company Teleradio Gagauzia (TRG). However, this provision was excluded from the final version of the Concept, because of the potential large number of candidates in the race. The BCC members also stroke off the provision requiring the presence of at least two candidates at televised and radio debates. Otherwise, the Concept is very much similar to the one that regulated media coverage of the local elections that took place last summer. Teleradio-Gagauzia will be compelled, and private broadcasters will have the right to award 120 minutes of airtime to each candidate throughout the election campaign. In addition, TRG will be compelled, and private broadcasters will have the right to hold electoral debates no shorter than 90 minutes per day. The Concept is yet to be approved by the Gagauz Central Election Commission to enter into force. Elections for the Gagauz People’s Assembly will take place on March 16, 2008.