
Briefness first and foremost – September 3, 2018 IPN digest


The summer vacation of students ended only yesterday, when thousands of teachers, students and parents took part in the new school year start festivities and the ‘first bell ring” was heard all over the country.

The Lyceum “Gheorghe Asachi”, which is the oldest education institution in the area between the Prut and the Nistru, besides implementing the mandatory curriculum, this year will also celebrate the Great Union Centenary and 155 years of the foundation of the public girl’s school that later became the lyceum “Regina Maria”, School No. 1 and currently the Theoretical Lyceum “Gh. Asachi”.

The first lesson taught by the class masters this year is entitled “Language, history and land are three pillars that support a nation - Ion Druță at his age of 90.

The first-twelfth graders this year total about 334,000. Of these, approximately 36,000 go to the first grade.

Minister Monica Babuc and Prime Minister Pavel Filip, not mentioning officials of lower ranks, didn’t miss the occasion to say that education is a key area in which money is invested, but more is yet to be invested.

Other aspects besides that of investments in education are also raised by author Veaceslav Crăciun in the analysis  “What “Our Language” in Gagauzia means: chimeras and realities”. According to a study, 77.9% of the polled parents from the autonomous territorial unit would like their children to know the Romanian language, not for the sake of an abstract “duty”, but in order to enhance competitiveness and increase the professional development chances. But the improvement of training at school and the increase in the number of lessons of Romanian at school that the locals request imply higher state financing. However, the policy of the central authorities, the author ironized, reminds of the well-known dialog of the Russian Premier with pensioners from Crimea: “There is no money, but keep it up”.

Amid the agitation at schools, the 27th anniversary of the National Army was less visible (only for the public). Not yet for the senior state officials. Both President Igor Dodon and Prime Minister Pavel Filip transmitted congratulatory messages.

According to the presidential press service, all efforts should be aimed at ensuring the country’s security, increasing the defense  level and promoting a qualitative jump to the professionalization of the Army and optimization of its work.

For his part, Pavel Filip said he would like, among others, the National Army to become a European, professional and better trained and more disciplined one and to increase its capacities to take part in international peacekeeping efforts and to widely apply civil and democratic control instruments in the national security sector.

In the context of these mobilizing wishes, there was announced the September 6 meeting in Condrița of the President of Moldova and the self-proclaimed leader of Transnistria, where it is accepted the illegal presence of the troops of a foreign state that sponsors the separatist regime in the region.

The national holidays of end-August left an unpleasant smell. 14 civil society organizations signed a statement by which they express their profound disappointment with the way in which the Moldovan authorities exercised their powers at the public assemblies held in Chisinau on August 26-27 and September 1.

The organizations ask the competent public authorities, especially the Chisinau City Hall, the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor General’s Office, to thoroughly investigate all the complaints related to those events and to publish the results of the analysis and investigations in the shortest period of time.

The organizations are dissatisfied with the fact that the police dispersed the protesters who were near the monument to Ruler Stephan the Great in the morning of August 27. They also class as illegal the dispersion and confiscation of the goods that belonged to the civil group of protesters representing OccupyGuguță in the morning of the same day.

The NGOs describe as excessive the actions taken by the police and by the administration of the Government against the participants in the Centenary March on September 1 and the disproportionate and provocative actions by the police that sequestered the buses and intervened, disconnecting the light at the place of the event and intimidating the participants by the massive presence of armed police officers and special troops.

The Alliance for the Centenary, which consists of a number of unionist organizations, also submitted a number of complaints against the police actions taken on September 1, to the Ministry of the Interior .

The good news is that Grand International Master Ion Dosca emerged victorious in the classical program of the World Draughts Championship among veterans, winning gold and the title of world champion, for the fourth time already! Ion Dosca’s wife and coach Elena Tkachenko won the similar women’s competition, becoming double world champion among women.

The news article about the regulations concerning the method of recording, assessing and selling confiscated, unowned, sequestrated, easily alterable or perishable goods, corpora delicti, goods transferred under state ownership with the succession right and treasures of September 11, 2001, which are to be amended in accordance with a Government decision that was presented by the Ministry of Finance, is related to current, ordinary activities.

In particular, the buildings and land will no longer be transferred free to the local public authorities as now.

It happens amid the maintaining of the yellow code advisory for hot weather with temperatures of 33 and 34 degrees Celsius all over Moldova until September 5... More details on IPN!