
Briefness first and foremost – December 7, 2018 IPN digest


Former EU Special Representative for the Republic of Moldova Kalman Mizsei, in an interview for IPN Agency, spoke about the widest “red line” crossed by the Moldovan authorities, resemblances in the field of systemic interests that can bring the current political opponents closer until the ruling coalition is formed after the parliamentary elections, the signs given by the new electoral system to the opposition parties, etc.

“Following Moldovan politics from outside, I reached the conclusion that the meaning of the words “opposition” and “conflict” should be modified slightly because, on the one hand, there is the parliamentary opposition represented by the Liberal Democratic Party and the Party of Communists and there is authentic influential  opposition represented by the parties led by Maia Sandu and Andrei Năstase. On the other hand, there is the Democratic Party and the Party of Socialists. Currently, the line of demarcation between the power and the opposition goes through the approach to the quality of democracy, the rule of law, corruption. Between the Democrats and the Socialists, more exactly between Mister Plahotniuc (president of the Democratic Party – e.n.) and President Dodon, there is very close cooperation. There are also divergences, probably because this conflict is manifested by contraposition between the power and the President, but this is not a real conflict, but a mimicked one as the divergences are limited and the interests coincide at the moment,” stated the ex-ambassador.

In consonance with Kalman Mizsei, the representative of the Democratic Party (PDM), in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR channel, said the party is ready to form a coalition with the political parties that will enter the next Parliament, but these should share the same values as the PDD, especially the European integration idea. The representative of the Liberal Democratic Party said they are interested in combining forces with other players with real chances of entering Parliament so as to remove the current government .

Valentin Dolganiuc, one of the founders of the Euro-Unionist Convention of Moldova, said the Party of Socialists can win over 50% of the seats of MP in the next legislature.

Surely, the prognostications benefit the TV channels and attract public attention, said the IPN Experts, but they have been useless for a period and this was confirmed by the absolutely unusable forecasts about the last mayoral elections held in Chisinau. Polls do not correctly show at least the order of politicians in voters’ preferences, not mentioning the percentage quota as the time is turbulent and the people prefer to hide their sympathies. And they are right as, if a candidate wins somehow the elections, no one can be sure they will hold the gained seat, noted the experts.

According to Andrei Năstase, the municipal elections that weren’t validated by the courts of law are a dangerous precedent, but they showed yet that it is possible to win when the people are united.

The politician also said the future bloc ACUM does not negotiate eventual common participation in the parliamentary elections with other political parties, but offered the pro-European parties to field candidates. “The doors of this bloc are open to the representatives of other democratic, pro-European and people’s parties of the Republic of Moldova – competent and upright people. We are ready to accept them,” he stated.

For its part, the Democratic Party of Moldova issued a press release, saying it notified the institutions responsible for the organization of elections of violations of provisions of the Law on Political Party, the Election Code and the Broadcasting Code committed by parties and civic organizations. According to the PDM, the Central Election Commission registered no electoral bloc so far. Nevertheless, electoral agitation in favor of the bloc ACUM has been conducted for several months.

The PAS leader Maia Sandu said the accusation of the pro-European opposition of premature campaigning by the distribution of brochures and calendars and by the creation of the website acum.md reveals impertinent legal nihilism on the part of the Democratic Party.

As the Party of Socialists was also accused of premature campaigning, Socialist MP Vlad Batrîncea said the Democratic Party is trying to prepare beforehand the scenario for the invalidation of the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019. “The context of such an accusation is evident and superficial. All the polls show the PDM does not have chances of keeping the parliamentary majority and of controlling the government after the elections. The probability that the PSRM will hold the majority of seats is high,” he stated.

As an illustration of the current developments, a resident of Chisinau was found guilty of voter corruption.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, on May 20, 2015 the culprit bought the domain alegerimoldova.com for a period of a year. He created a web platform through which he persuaded voters registered on the site to vote a particular candidate in the local elections held in 2015. The voter was to take a picture of the ballot with their vote and to transmit this to the culprit, who promised by 50 lei for each loaded ballot.

The President of Moldova Igor Dodon is requested not to promulgate the amendments to the law on insurance that were adopted by Parliament on November 29. According to lawyer Viorel Chetruşcă, if the amendments take effect, more than 50 insurance brokerage firms of the over 60 working on this market will have to stop work.

He noted he cannot say to whose advantage this is done, but regrets that the National Commission for Financial Markets, in particular, supported the changes despite the negative comments of experts in the field.

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