A child aged about 6 was found by a mobile patrol of the Lopatnic Border Police Sector. The minor was walking near the border area, was alone and disoriented, without an accompanying adult and without identity documents.
The border guards intervened promptly, ensuring the safety and protection that the lost child needed. It was established that he is from Bădragii Noi village. Subsequently, the minor was transported safely to the social assistance service, where he benefited from the necessary care and support.
Representatives of the social assistance service told IPN that the child is now at home, with his parents, sisters and grandparents, feels well and is out of any danger. According to them, the house of the family is situated on the outskirts of the village and, when he was found by the border guards, the child was not far from home.
The minor told the social assistants that he knows the road and the region well as he often walked with his older sisters. They all went together to pick mushrooms and play.
"The safety of citizens, especially minors, is a priority for us. Our actions are always aimed at preventing risks and protecting those in difficulty," said representatives of the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova.