
Boarder Police denies having banned entry of citizens


The Border Police denied the press reports according to which it banned the entry of Moldovan and Romanian citizens into Moldova.

In a press release, the institution said the case happened on February 16, when a minibus was not allowed to enter Moldova. Only the minibus was banned access, not yet the persons who were in this. The passengers could cross the border whenever they wanted, using other units of transport, IPN reports.

The Border Police also said the Leușeni customs post has the status of “road” one and the law bans crossing the border through this on foot. Therefore, the persons were recommended to cross the border by another vehicle. The minibus owner was told to ask for additional information about the reasons for the ban from the competent authorities.

Representatives of the Party “Democracy at Home” on February 18 called on the media outlets and national and international human rights organizations to turn their attention to the case of Alina Paniko, who settled in Romania and who was banned from entering Moldova. In a news conference at IPN, Ion Leashchenko, who runs for MP on the list of the Party “Democracy at Home”, said the reasons invoked by the Border Police for barring Alinei Paniko’s access to Moldova – that she poses a threat to national security – are bizarre. This is an abuse as Alina Paniko does not represent a danger to national security. Moreover, she runs in the parliamentary elections and should thus benefit from immunity in the electoral period.