
Blogger launches petition against postal voting


Blogger Tudor Șoilița, with a declared audience of over one million followers, has launched a petition that all the citizens who are against piloting postal voting in this autumn’s election in a number of states can sign. The blogger said that he conducted an investigation in Sweden to see how the post office works there and its results displeased many people.

In a press conference hosted by IPN, Tudor Șoilița told how he went to a post office in Stockholm. “As I know only Moldovan and Russian, I used the online translator. I explained to the post office worker that I’m from Moldova and I came to their country for a short period of time and I want to send some letters to Moldova, but I do not have a permanent address in Sweden and asked if I can use their postal address to receive an answer to this letter. I asked them to print five ballots for me. I purchased five envelopes and, as a proof, sent five letters to the Central Election Commission in the names of Mr. Igor Grosu, Dorin Recean, Maia Sandu, Vasile Grădinaru, author of this law, and CEC head Angelica Caraman,” stated the blogger.

According to him, his investigation aroused great discontent among his followers. “The vast majority expressed concern about how this election will be conducted. This election is already compromised by the fact that this pilot project is promoted and promulgated in haste, with procedural violations and with the failure to take into account the recommendations that were previously made by the Venice Commission,” said Tudor Șoilița, in whose opinion postal voting has been already compromised.

He also requested the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe and a number of embassies to send recommendations to the Moldovan authorities to prevent possible irregularities and ensure the integrity and transparency of the upcoming election.

“Despite the repeated violations of the Constitution by the Moldovan authorities and the non-compliance with your recommendations, we bank on your support and assistance in preventing possible negative consequences for the democratic process in our country,” said the blogger.

Note: IPN Agency offers the right of reply to persons who consider themselves targeted in the news made from the statements of the organizers of this press conference, including by facilitating the organization of another press conference under similar conditions.