
Bloc of Communists and Socialists seeks liquidation of NAER


The members of the parliamentary group of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists demand that the National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) should be liquidated and its duties should be taken over by the Government. According to them, the Agency does not intervene to ensure accessible fuel prices and revenues from each liter of fuel paid by the citizens enter daily the Agency’s budget, IPN reports.

In a press briefing, BCS MP Petru Burduja said the fuel prices grow daily and this is not something of a novelty, but this is a burden for the citizens, for the business community. So far, neither the Government, nor the regulator provided clear explanations as to what is going on. The BCS MPs suggested in Parliament to dismiss all the managers of NAER, but their proposal wasn’t supported by the parliamentary majority. The five NAER directors during a year get 4.7 million lei salary, which is 835,000 lei to 1 million lei per director. “They are surely not bothered by the high prices, but the ordinary citizens suffer,” stated the MP.

Deputy Parliament Speaker Vlad Batrîncea said the citizens realize that NAER, as a national regulator, does nothing to help the citizens and to diminish prices. It is a regulator that cannot bring about changes and propose mechanisms. Besides salaries, the institution spends about 13 million lei annually on rent and maintenance.

“In this situation, we put forward a legislative initiative to liquidate this national agency and to transfer its duties to the Government, the Ministry of Economy. We consider the Government should assume responsibility for the formation of prices and should help the citizens,“ stated the Socialist MP.

For June 1, NAER set a price ceiling of 31.45 lei per liter of gasoline ‘95”, up 0.14 lei on today, while for diesel fuel the price ceiling is 27.61 lei, up 0.19 lei. For comparison, at the beginning of September a liter of gasoline ‘95’ cost 20.23 lei, while a liter of diesel fuel –16.42 lei.