
Biomass is an alternative to fossil fuels, inventor


Biomass is an alternative to fossil energy sources. Even biomass from household waste can be used as heat and electrical energy. All the necessary equipment has been created and this ensures the depollution of soil, water and air, said Romanian inventor and entrepreneur Iuliean Horneț of EcoHornet Romania.

“We want to bring the richest solution to humanity, the most abundant treasure of the planet – the biomass. Why do we want to do this? Because we have with what. Biomass is the source left by God. Besides its other purposes, such as medical and nutritional, it can be also used from the oldest times in the firm of privative energy that yet brought humanity to this level,” Iuliean Horneț stated in a news conference hosted by IPN.

According to him, today we can use this solution, the biomass, through granulation. A lot of equipment has been created the past 20 years and this enable to ensure energy independence for communities and even whole villages in an ecologic way.

Iuliean Horneț said the invented equipment transforms organic waste into electrical energy, biogas, bio-oil and biochar by pyrolysis. Processes are developed to optimize the conversion of energy and transfer of heat so as to use different types of heat, such as hot water, warm air, steam, thermal radiation and diathermic oil.

“The population of the planet can live perfectly with renewable energy by using also biomass. The sources of energy from wind, sun, water and soil are sufficient to fully satisfy the energy necessities. We should only want to do this as we have with what today. I have worked for 20 years on these technologies and have been on the market for 12 years with 800 pieces of equipment in Romania and in another 11 countries in Europe, in Asia and Canada. There are countries that are interested in using such energy so as to ensure energy independence,” stated Iuliean Horneț.

Ion Rață, director general of the International Consortium “Implementation of Innovation” (CPI&TT), said the goal of the discussions held with inventor Iuliean Horneț was to urge the country’s administration to take part in nature purification and energization projects. “During over 30 years, we haven’t taken care and haven’t ever thought that we will reach a moment when the country will remain without energy resources. We had very cheap energy, but we forgot that it is not eternal. The current situation makes us to take urgent measures, but to also be very careful of the environment,” stated Ion Rață.

According to him, there is the ambition to even export a part of the energy after implementing this last-generation technology for two years. “The Republic of Moldova, besides the lack of energy, has a vacuum as regards the modernization of technologies. Industrialization is almost inexistent. Why do I speak about industry? Because energy plays a key role in any technologization process. We have cheap and accessible energy and this means that industrial modernization in Moldova is also possible,” stated Ion Rață.

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