
Bill to ensure balance between work and family life


The period during which the child’s father can take paternity leave will be extended from 56 days to a year. In the period, fathers will benefit from salary and also from paternity pay. A bill to this effect was presented by PAS MPs in a press briefing, IPN reports.

Dan Perciun, who heads the Parliament’s commission on social protection, health and family, said that only 100 men took paternity leave last year.

“The bill is designed to ensure a better balance between work and family life. We want both of the partners to take part in the family life so that we all have enough time to enjoy the family besides our professional activity,” stated Dan Perciun.

The bill provides that the partners will be able to divide the childcare leave and child benefit between them. For example, if the childcare leave is of three years, 1.5 years can be taken by the father and 1.5 years by the mother.

Also, the persons who will stay at home with the child until this reaches one year and two months only will get a monthly benefit of 90% of the salary.

The Labor Code will be amended to enable parents to benefit from a flexible work regime. For example, half of the day they can work with physical presence, while the other half remotely.

The bill was presented ahead of the International Day of Families that is annually celebrated on May 15.