
Bill that caused tensions within Alliance to be re-examined in Parliament today


A legislative proposal on the amendment of the Pharmaceutical Activity Law will be examined once again in Parliament at today's session. On February 25, the bill was sent back for re-consideration to the respective parliamentary commission with the joint vote of the Communist and Liberal-Democrat lawmakers, which angered the other two Alliance partners. Earlier, the pharmaceutical bill had been debated in Parliament for more than half a year and sent back to the respective commission for 12 times now. At the Parliament's session on February 25, the Communist lawmakers proposed that the official list of medicines should indicate the price at which drugs are imported in addition to their retail price. The proposal was endorsed by the Liberal-Democratic faction. The joint vote sparked negative reactions from the Liberals and the Democrats, with Democrat leader Marian Lupu fearing the emergence of a “red-green coalition”. Also today, Parliament is to consider the Police Bill and a legislative proposal for the amendment of the Land Sales Law.