
Big Moldovan companies to report greenhouse gas emissions


The European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) will be partially transposed into Moldovan law, with the support of the EU and UNDP. In the first stage, monitoring, reporting and independent verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) obligations will be introduced for 12 companies with a total nominal installed generation capacity of almost 3.3 thousand MW. These include companies in the energy sector, such as Termoelectrica and CET-Nord, but also in the industrial sector, such as the confectionery manufacturer Bucuria SA, Suedzucker Moldova JSC, Lafarge Ciment Moldova JSC, the Macon brick factory, the Sigiliu Lux porcelain factory and Glass Container Company and Glass Container Prim glass factories, IPN reports, quoting a press release of EU4Climate Moldova.

The EU4Climate project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, has provided support to the Ministry of Environment to identify companies that will apply the new regulations, developed under the ETS Directive. The regulation on MRV of GHG emissions from stationary installations was also drafted, as well as amendments to the Law on Environmental Protection, which was supplemented with a chapter on climate change.

ETS is the latest Directive in the “Climate Policy” chapter of the Republic of Moldova-European Union Association Agreement, to be transposed and approved at national level. To date, the Gasoline and Diesel Quality Directive, the Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulation and the Greenhouse Fluorinated Gas Regulation have been transposed.

The EU and UNDP have previously provided support for updating the national GHG monitoring, verification and reporting system in line with the requirements of the Paris Agreement.

With a total budget of 8.8 million euros, the EU4Climate project runs from 2019-2022 and has a number of components, such as updating the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement, developing low-emission national development strategies by 2050, introducing and strengthening the framework for monitoring, reporting and verifying greenhouse gas emissions.