
Best projects promoting peace to be awarded at the Global Peace Festival


Non-governmental organizations, education institutions and initiative groups from Moldova are invited to participate in the celebration of the International Peace Day on 21 September, by different actions promoting the peace. The best projects, events, actions or video clips will be awarded at the Global Peace Festival to be held on November 8. The manager of the charity association “IRFF Onlus”, Nicolae Carpala, has told Info-Prim Neo the International Peace Day will be marked through projects of community services, sport events, peace-related educational programs, seminars and training courses, conferences and festivals. The eagers may organize peace parades, may produce movies of video clips, may organize arts, picture or poetry contests. The peace-promoting events may get awarded only if covered by local media. The materials can be sent to October 6 to: irff@pisem.net and mcalestru@gmail.com or to “IRFF Onlus”, R. Moldova, Chişinău, str. Constantin Varnav 13. The UN instituted 21 September as the International Peace Day, as it suggests non-violence and ceasefires on all the globe.