
Berry jams compete in “Golden Ladle” contest


The fifth national contest for excellence in artisan gastronomy “Golden Ladle” is taking place within “Farmer 2016” exhibition at “Moldexpo” On October 22. This year the contest is entitled “Best berry jam” and involves 23 participants, who presented 37 berry jams.

“By this competition, we are trying to support the national berry growers who are making effort to offer value added to their products by making jam,” the event’s director Tamara Schiopu has told IPN. The contest involves jams without sugar, dehydrated or raw, of blackberry, bilberry, buckthorn, dogberry, rowan tree berries, with added honey, white wine and borage flowers. “This contest is designed to discover unique homemade products with commercial potential,” stated Tamara Schiopu.

The event brought together jam makers from all over the country. The jams will be assessed by 12 persons who will choose the most delicious product. The winner will get the trophy “Golden Ladle” and an offer to sell jam. Two more producers will also be made such an offer, following requests made by three restaurants of Chisinau. Those who will not be able to supply the requested amount can deliver the jam the next season. The competitors are not given money awards, but are able to develop a small business.

The previous editions of the contest ‘Golden Ladle” were devoted to ajika (spicy tomato sauce), homemade biscuits and plant tea.