
Beneficiary of “PARE 1+1” program opens center for children


A private educational center for children was inaugurated in Chisinau on June 1, 2017. The launch of the business was financially supported by the state through the program to attract remittances to the economy “PARE 1+1”. Of the investment of over 1 million lei, the state contributed 200,000 lei, IPN reports.

Tatiana Zinchenko, who started the business, said the idea to set up such a center appeared long ago. To put it into practice, she needed the financial support of parents who work abroad and of her husband. “Owing to my five-year-old daughter, who didn’t go to kindergarten, I decided to implement such a project. Subjects ranging from the Romanian language to choreography and gymnastics will be taught here at the highest level, by the best specialists,” stated Tatiana Zinchenko.

The center’s programs are complaint with the national curriculum. Before being admitted, the child will be tested by the center’s psychologists and these will recommend the suitable activities. The activities from the main program, intended for children from three to ten years, will be carried out in the first part of the day. In the afternoon, there will be taught additional classes such as good manners, speech, English, choreography, etc.

The parents of children who will attend the center will pay by 250 lei a day. These can choose the courses that the child will attend and their frequency, but specialists recommend following an agreed program.

Attending the inauguration, Minister of Economy Octavian Calmac said he didn’t see another such center in Moldova. “It is a big surprise to see European centers here, at home. On the one hand, it is an educational center for children. On the other hand, it is an accomplishment of our national program “PARE 1+1”, where the state invests alongside the private initiative,” stated the minister.

Daniela Dascaliuc, head of the SMEs Financing Division of the ODIMM Organization, said the “PARE 1+1” program supported about 10 educational projects out of the total of 960 projects co-financed so far.