
BCC report for 2010 approved by parliamentary commission amid criticism


The members of the parliamentary commission on culture, education, sport and mass media expressed their dissatisfaction with the activity report of the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) for 2010, which was presented by the current chairman of the Council Marian Pocaznoi. They said the report is bragging and does not contain all the failures experienced by the BCC last year. They also said the Council's former chairman Gheorghe Gorincioi should have attended the presentation of the report, Info-Prim Neo reports. Commission member Maria Ciobanu stated that the report says nothing about the BCC members who have had a strong political bias, about misuse of power and traffic of influence and about Gheorghe Gorincioi's relatives who obtained TV channels that do not produce own programs, but only retransmit movies in Russian. Maria Ciobanu also said that the report should tell about the fact that BCC member Corneliu Mihalache moderated a roundtable meeting themed “PCRM from Government to Opposition” in breach of the legislation as a BCC member should be impartial. Corneliu Mihalache replied that he violated no article of the Broadcasting Code and one should not teach him morality lessons. The commission's secretary Iurie Bolboceanu said the report does not contain information about the monitoring of the films with pornographic content that are broadcast by cable TV channels. Marian Pocaznoi said the given issue will be examined in one of the meetings of the BCC. The commission's deputy head Corina Fusu said the BCC was rather irresponsible and did not ensure transparency in its work. However, the report was approved as “it was better than the one for 2009”, which was rejected by the commission.