
Basescu announces Romania’s new foreign strategy: “We have to drink down the Prut”


Romania “has the duty” to support without any reserves, “as soon as possible", the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union, in order that “our brothers, our children, our parents will no longer have to wait in front of the Romanian Embassy in Chisinau, requesting visas for visiting their motherland". The statement has been made by Romania’s President, Traian Basescu, during his visit to Focsani, on Wednesday, January 24, on the anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities. According to the Romanian press, quoted by Info-Prim Neo, because he was “in the town on the Milcov River” (the one which Romanian unionists “drank up in one draft”, as a popular song says), Traian Basescu made a public plea: “We have the duty to think that we have one more river to drink down, sooner or later, in order that all the Romanians are back together again.” According to the same source, in the end the Romanian President promised that “Romania’s policy will be based on supporting our brothers from the other bank of the Prut River ".