
Basarabian Church collects funds for victims of floods in Romania


Basarabian Church started a campaign for colleting money for the victims of floods in Romania. According to a press release of the Basarabian Church, the Highest Metropolitan Bishop Petru addressed an appeal to all the priests and Christians of the Basarabian Church, to all the state’s institutions and non-governmental ones. This message states that the population of many districts of Romania has suffered a lot as result of rains and floods this year. Thus, 12 districts are affected, 9,526 persons evacuated and accommodated at their relatives, in tents, and on balancing bridges. 148 households are affected, 848 houses flooded, 227 houses destroyed and other 122 risk to collapse etc. „Our conscience of Christians, as well as the Bible advocate us to act solidary towards our brothers in need,” according to the message. Money can be transferred to a special account at the Commercial Bank „Victoriabank”, branch nr.3, bank account 280101416 Account in lei MD225110000186757. The account will be managed by the Social Mission „Diaconia” of the Basarabian Church.