
Ballot is almost as long as height of AMN leader’s granddaughter


The president of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Serafim Urecheanu, who is one of the four leaders of the Alliance for European Integration, came to the polling place housed by “Mihail Sadoveanu” High School at about 9.00, accompanied by his granddaughter Anastasia, Info-Prim Neo reports. After he welcomed the press and the persons inside the polling place, Serafim Urecheanu took his ballot, unfolded it and put it along his granddaughter, saying it was also most as long as Anastasia’s height. Serafim Urecheanu’s granddaughter recited two poems specially prepared for this day for those who were inside and then entered the poling booth together with her grandfather. After casting his vote, Serafim Urecheanu said that he voted for the country’s future. He voiced hope that the political forces will reach an agreement and the situation in the country will stabilize after elections. Referring to the length of the ballot that contains 20 parties and 19 independent candidates, Serafim Urecheanu said there are many parties that appeared overnight and their participation in elections is absurd. The AMN leader also said he will stay at the party’s head office all day and will follow the voting process.