
Baccalaureate exams start


The non-Moldovan students have started the baccalaureate exams. On Tuesday, June 3, they took their first exam in Romanian. The other students have some time left till June 6, when they will take the mother tongue exams, Info-Prim Neo reports. On June 10, they will take the exams in the foreign language, and on June 13 – the profile exam: maths, geography, arts or sport. They can chose an exam at their will to be taken on June 17. The period to contest the results of the examination has been prolonged up to 48 hours after announcing the results. Valentina Miron, the deputy director of the Evaluation and Examination Agency of the Education Ministry, says the security has been enhanced this year in order to prevent any situation that may disturb the examination process. Except for the Chisinau municipality, the students' tests will be lodged at commercial banks. All the tests are personalized, being applied the personal code of every student on the paper as well as the code of the teacher verifying the work. According a new safety regulation, the people involved in the process will have to sign a special security commitment. The students will not be allowed to enter the exam rooms with mobile phones, as special jamming devices will be installed at each baccalaureate center. There 21 bac centers in Chisinau's high schools, 12 – in colleges and 13 – in universities, while there are 155 of them in the entire country .