
Average monthly salary projected to reach 5,100 lei in three years


The average monthly salary in the Moldovan economy in three years will rise by 33.3% to 5,100 lei in 2016. The labor remuneration fund will increase by 31.4% to 36.4 billion lei or 28.3% of the GDP. The projections are contained in the draft 2014 state budget law that was passed by Parliament in two readings and is to be adopted in the final reading, IPN reports.

Under the draft law, the rise in the average monthly salary and the labor remuneration fund will be determined by the recovery of the real sector of the economy, especially as a result of the development of the private sector, migration of a large number of employees to the SME sector and improvement of the pay system and motivation of employees.

The consumer price index is forecast to be 104.7% in 2014 and 105.5% in 2016. As regards the exchange rate of the national currency for the next three years, it will appreciate relatively – from 13.03 lei to 12.93 lei per US dollar at the end of 2016.

Taking into account the projected moderate economic growths at world level, with positive effect on the external demand for Moldovan products in 2014-2016, exports are expected to rise by 8.2% a year, while imports by 7.7% a year. Energy resources will account for the largest part of the imports.