
Average monthly salary in Moldova constituted MDL 1819 in first four months


The average monthly salary of a person employed in the economy of Moldova amounted to MDL 1819 in the first four months of 2007, increasing by 23% against the similar period last year. At the same time, the average salary increased by 10% in real terms, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. According to the cited source, the average salary constituted MDL 1432 in the state-paid sector, and MDL 2036 – in the real sector of economy. The average salary in April amounted to MDL 1936, or by 24% more against the similar period last year. The average salary constituted MDL 1486 in the state-paid sector, and MDL 2180 - in the real sector. The average salary in agriculture, hunting economy and forestry constituted MDL 872, being the smallest in the economy of Moldova. The highest salary, MDL 4096, was received by the persons working in the financial sector, followed by the employees working in the sectors of electric power and thermal energy, natural gas and water supplies, who received about MDL 3201. The average salary in transport and communications was MDL 2780, constructions – MDL 2590, mining industry – MDL 2571, real estate transactions – MDL 2233, public administration – MDL 2226. The persons working in the medical sector and Social Assistance were paid on average MDL 1405, and those working in education – MDL 1166, almost similar with the salary of the persons working in sports. Representative of the Trade Unions Confederation of Moldova Ana Moldovan told Info-Prim Neo that the minimum subsistence was not calculated since 2005, when this figure was set at MDL 766.1 for the entire population and MDL 809.2 for the persons able to work. According to the cited source, these are the last official data in this respect, which do not correspond to the real situation, and the trade unions use only these data.