
Average gross salary over 12% up in August


The average nominal gross salary this August was by 12.3% higher than last August and came to 5,242 lei. Related to the consumer price index, the rise was of 8.4%, IPN reports, quoting the National Bureau of Statistics.

The highest nominal rise in the salary was reported in the electricity, heat and gas production and supply sectors, where the gross pays rose by 25% to about 9,700 lei.

The salaries in the financial, insurance and ICT sectors increased to a smaller extent, but continue to be the highest in the economy – between 9,700 and 10,500 lei.

The average salary in the water supply and sewerage, waste management and decontamination sectors rose by only about 2%, to slightly over 5,000 lei.

Even if the pay rise was higher than in the sanitation sector, where salaries rose by 6-14%, in agriculture, forestry and fishing, accommodation, public food and education, the salaries continue to be the lowest. The gross nominal salaries in these sectors ranged between 3,200 and 4,300 lei.