
Average gross monthly earnings in September at 7,991.3 lei


The average gross monthly earnings of an employee in September were 7,991.3 lei, according to a study presented by the National Bureau of Statistics.

According to the study, two thirds of all the salary earners (66.7%) had earnings lower than the average per country (7,991.3 lei). Almost each second employee (47.3%) had a salary lower than 6,000 lei, 31.5% - between 6,000 and 10,000 lei, while 21.2% - over 10,000 lei.

The distribution by economic activities shows a concentration of employees with “small salaries” in a number of areas, such as accommodation and public food activities, where almost each second person has a salary lower than 4,000 lei, while each third person has a salary ranging between 4,000 to 6,000 lei.

In the field of administrative and support service activities, 42.2% of the salary earners have a pay lower than 4,000 lei, while 27.2% have a salary ranging between 4,000 and 6,000 lei. In agriculture, forestry and fishing, 39.6% of the employees have a salary lower than 4,000 lei, while 33.3% have a salary varying between 4,000 and 6,000 lei.

In the “large salary” group, there are the salary earners from the IT and communications sector, where 87.7% of the employees have pays higher than 6,000 lei and approximately 62% of these have pays higher than 10,000 lei. In financial and insurance activities, 87.7% of the salary earners have earnings higher than 6,000 lei and 49.6% of these have salaries higher than 10,000 lei. In public administration and defense and in the mandatory social insurance sector, 75.7% of the employees have salaries higher than 6,000 lei, with 30.2% of these having salaries higher than 10,000 lei.