The family doctors will no longer use paper to write accounts in patients’ dossier. The Ministry of Health on November 18 launched the Automated Primary Medical Assistance Information Service, which is a single national platform that integrates all the information about the patients’ state of health, IPN reports.
To ensure the functionality of this system, all the public medical-sanitary institutions were outfitted with computers, peripheral equipment, local Internet access network, printers and scanners. The personal dossier of the patient in electronic format will contain the personal data of the patient, all the medical leave periods, examinations, prescriptions, taken drugs and other information. All the doctors to whom the patient will go for consultation will have access to this dossier.
Minister of Health Andrei Usatyi told a news conference that the automation of the family medicine is a new approach to healthcare that changes the method of organizing the work of the family doctors.
The organizers of the event assured that the data system is absolutely safe and the data it contains are confidential. Owing to this system, the patients will be able to make online apportionments with the doctor, but this will be possible in two-three weeks, when the system is finalized.
Ex-Premier Vlad Filat, who heads the Liberal Democratic Party, said in the launch that this system is a very important one for Moldova because it benefits the people. Moldova makes progress and improves its health system, which is an important area for the state.
The project has a budget of 19 million lei. The money was allocated by the Government of Moldova.