
Authorized regular bus routes to Italy to launch in two weeks


Five passenger transport operators have already been authorized to operate regular bus routes from Moldova to Italy, with applications from 30 more companies awaiting approval. The routes will launch no later than in two weeks, authorities say.
The intention to have regular routes to Italy was announced two years ago. Contacted by IPN, MoE state secretary Serghei Bucataru said the long wait has been due to required legal amendments.
The Moldova-Italy joint commission on international road haulage and passenger transportation, meeting in Chisinau during April 16 and 17, has coordinated procedures to facilitate the routes’ opening. 
The first five authorized carriers will operate the routes to Italy from Chisinau’s Central Bus Station. Other carriers with pending applications intend to operate from Bălți, Briceni and other towns. 
Serghei Bucataru said that thorough verifications will be in place to crack down on unauthorized transportation of passengers. Offending carriers will have their license plates removed for up to six months.