
Authorities discuss negotiation of new assistance program with IMF


Head of Parliament Igor Corman and executive director of the International Monetary Fund for Moldova Menno Snel discussed the negotiation of a new IMF assistance program for Moldova.

Igor Corman underlined the importance of further promoting appropriate economic policies that would ensure viable economic growth in Moldova, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué from Parliament. The Speaker pleaded for the development of the cooperation relations with the IMF and the efficient use of the assistance intended to contribute to ensuring budgetary-fiscal sustainability, maintaining prudent monetary policy and strengthening the national financial-banking sector.

Menno Snel spoke about the discussions held by the members of the IMF team of experts with representatives of the Moldovan authorities during the last two weeks. The IMF experts addressed such aspects as the implementation of reforms to modernize the country and the measures needed to ensure the financial stability of Moldova.

The IMF director for Moldova had a meeting with Prime Minister Iurie Leanca. He appreciated the economic progress made by Moldova over the last three years and expressed his conviction that the current IMF mission in Moldova, together with the dialogue partners from Moldova, will find solutions to all the existing problems so that a reciprocally advantageous memorandum of understanding is signed in the near future. The Premier said that Moldova needs such an agreement with the IMF and is for developing a sustainable partnership with this financial institution.