
Austrian head of state enumerates steps that must be taken to become part of EU


Moldova already took the first step towards joining the EU by signing and ratifying the Association Agreement. The next steps include the submission of the application for accession and the obtaining of the status of candidate country, President of Austria Heinz Fischer said in a news conference held jointly with Moldova’s President Nicolae Timofti in Chisinau, IPN reports.

Heinz Fischer noted that Austria joined the EU 20 years ago and its neutrality status wasn’t an impediment. The EU is regarded first of all as an instrument of economic cooperation, but, during many decades, it showed that it can also be an instrument for keeping peace. Moldova should have a clear European perspective. As the Balkan states have the right to join the EU, Moldova can also obtain such a right.

Nicolae Timofti said it is for the first time that an Austrian head of state visits Moldova. Austria is one of the largest foreign investors in Moldova and many social and infrastructure facilities were created by the contribution of Austrian companies. After Moldova files an application for accession to the EU in 2015 and obtains the status of candidate country, the integrationist processes will be fostered.

Heinz Fischer is paying an official visit to Moldova on November 16-17, at the invitation of Nicolae Timofti.