
Audiovisual watchdog warns national TV channel over news bias


The Broadcasting Coordination Council (CCA) has publicly warned on Wednesday, May 23, the national TV station – “Moldova 1” for the lack of pluralism and for bias in news. CCA took this decision with the vote of six members after its members watched several newscasts of M1. The majority of members criticised the news broadcast on “Moldova 1”, mentioning that they are praising, do not respect the principle of impartiality and pluralism of opinions etc. On the other hand, Valentin Todercan, Company’s Chairman, denied the accusation, qualifying the assertions of several members as “interference in the editorial policy of the Company”. “Someone just wants to see the government criticised more”, he said. Also on Wednesday, CCA warned NIT channel for similar violations. Some of CCA members said that the newscasts of this station are even worse than those broadcast at the public television.