
Audiovisual regulator okays Regulation on Broadcaster Support Fund


The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) on Tuesday, December 4, approved the Regulation on the administration of the Broadcaster Support Fund, which regulates the way of making payments for covering regulation expenses by the broadcasters, as well as the management of the collected funds by the BCC. Thus, broadcasters are obliged by the Regulation and the Broadcasting Code to pay 1 percent of their annual turnover. The money from the Fund may be used to finance production of programmes on social topics; organisation of relevant seminars and trainings; organisation of trips and competitions involving broadcasters; material and technical provision of the BCC. The money collected by the Fund cannot be used to remunerate the Council’s members and employees. The regulation fee shall be paid once in three months. The Regulation will be in effect upon publishing, and the first fee will be due on 1 January 2008.