
Audiovisual Council: Andreea Cuciuc's death publicized with deviations from legal norms


Exploitation of a personal tragedy for the purpose of increasing ratings and providing sensational material - these are the characteristics attributed to some media providers who covered the death of Andreea Cuciuc, daughter of the local folk singer Igor Cuciuc. The subject was publicized in the audiovisual media in many cases at the margins or with notable deviations from the rules of law and professional ethics, the Broadcasting Council said, IPN reports.

According to the Audiovisual Media Services Code, media service providers are obliged to comply with the legislation on the protection of honor, dignity and professional reputation, as well as the right to respect and protection of intimate, family and private life. However, some media outlets have featured the tearful and grieving faces of the parents and relatives of the deceased.

The AC emphasized that it is forbidden to broadcast/distribute audiovisual content with images or photographs of the body of the deceased minor and found that the broadcasting/placement of images of the coffin and the disembodied body of the young girl was carried out with serious breaches of professional ethics.

The regulator warns media service providers that their central mission is to inform the public accurately, objectively, impartially and in strict compliance with the relevant audiovisual legislation. They are to refrain from using sensitive, intimate and highly emotionally charged facts/events in order to boost ratings and attract as many consumers as possible.