
Attention more important than Xmas gifts for children in residential institutions


Children in boarding institutions are happy to see someone visit them rather than to receive presents, says Ana Claras from Clipa Siderala, which is organizing its traditional yuletide charity tours – called the Christmas Caravan – to boarding schools and orphanages across the country. “The children sing carols to us, thank us for visiting them and wish that the Christmas Caravan could last forever. They enjoy very much the attention of the students that visit them, they feel that someone needs them. Some didn't even want to part with the students that march along with the Caravan, they were holding their hands as they accompanied them to the bus, and were waiving goodbye, eyes in tears”, says Ana. “When we went to Solonet, to the correctional facility for boys, many of them wished they could spend the holidays with their families, their brothers and sisters, whom they haven't seen for quite a while”. She says the Caravan and the students have visited a multitude of institutions in five districts, bringing presents and entertainment to the children. The Caravan accepts any donations in kind from great-hearted people. Nadejda, from Chisinau, came to the Great National Assembly Square, the traditional starting point of the Caravan, with some clothing and a simple message: “We are thinking of you”. “Anyone can do the same. Our living here in the city is much better than at the countryside, especially for those who don't have a mother and a father. They must know that there is someone thinking of them”, says Nadejda. Clipa Siderala's Christmas Caravan has been traveling to residential schools and institutions in remote villages of Moldova for thirteen consecutive years.