
Attempt to convene CMC meeting fails again, examination of draft budget postponed


The municipal councilors could not meet again to approve the capital city’s budget. The meeting, convened on Tuesday at the request of the councilors of the Party of Action and Solidarity, was declared non-deliberative, with 18 councilors out of the 51 elected attending. The main topic on the agenda was the approval of the Chisinau municipal budget for 2025, IPN reports.

Deputy chairman of the PAS group Dumitru Ivanov stressed that February ends, but the capital city does not have an approved budget for 2025. "With sure steps, but slowly and firmly, we are moving towards the situation of 2024, when the draft budget was approved in the middle of summer, with a big delay," said Ivanov.

The PAS councilors noted that they will insist on convening the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) and already prepared an application to convoke it next Tuesday. The PAS councilors repeatedly urged their mates from other groups to come to the meeting.

Deputy chairman of the Party of Socialists’ group Alexandr Odintsov said that the Chisinau Municipal Council remains blocked and they work on the basis of a provisional budget adopted last year.

"I think you have to make a decision and either come here to work, or we will wait for another month or for two, three months until, perhaps, the situation will change. Otherwise, we are simply making fun of the townspeople," said the municipal councilor of the Dignity and Truth Platform Victor Chironda.

This was the third attempt to convene the extraordinary meeting of the CMC.