
Assignment of concession of works and services to be regulated by new law


The method of assigning the concession of works and services will be regulated by a new law. This was adopted in the final reading by the votes of 53 MPs in the July 6 sitting of Parliament, IPN reports.

The new provisions regulate the assignment of the concession of works and services, the legal regime applicable to these and aspects of the assignment and execution of concessions.

These apply to the concessions whose length is at least five years, but not more than 35 years, whose estimated value calculated without VAT is equal or larger than 10 million lei for contracts for the concession of works and equal or larger than 5 million lei for contracts for the concession of services.

Concessions are not applied to civil defense, civil protection and danger prevention services provided by persons without a financial goal, except for ambulance patient transportation services. The lists of works and services proposed for concession will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova and on the official website of the Public Property Agency.

The law will take effect in six months of the publication and will be applied to concession contracts signed after this date.