
Artists who will not announce spectators about playback face fines


The artists who will use playback and will not inform the spectators about this may be fined. This will happen if Parliament adopts the legislative initiative submitted by MP SimionGrisciu. The lawmaker also proposes imposing fines on organizers of concerts, who mislead the public, Info-PrimNeo reports. The spectators and TV viewers must be informed when the artist uses playback or sings live, said the MP. SimionGrisciu considers that this should be indicated on the posters advertising concerts. The word ‘playback’ should be printed with characters whose size will be equal to at least half of the size of the characters used to print the names of artists. In the case of TV programs, the word ‘playback’ will be written on the lower part of the screen, near the names of the artists or of the bands. If need be, the given information will be announced by the presenters of concerts, plays or programs. The non-informing of the public about the use of playbackmay be punished with a fine of 800 to 1,000 lei, in the case of private individuals and 3,000-4,000lei in the case of legal entities. The persons holding responsible posts face fines of 4,000 to 6,000lei and will have to refund the sums paid by the viewers for tickets.