API launches project on self-assessment of press from a gender perspective
Ten national and local papers and seven online media outlets, including news portals, social networks and blogs, will be engaged in a self-assessment effort from a gender perspective as part of a project implemented by the Independent Press Association (API), Info-Prim Neo reports.
API said in a press release that the participating media organizations will be selected by an Evaluation Council following specialized trainings, to take place in the course of November. The selected outlets will monthly evaluate the content of their product from a gender perspective, collecting specific data on the presence of women and men as authors, sources and central figures in articles, the context of presenting women, the content of photographs and ads, and other information. The Evaluation Council will analyze the reports submitted by the participating media organizations and will then formulate recommendations for journalists and editors.
The API's project on the self-assessment of the press from a gender perspective is part of the Program "Women's Economic Empowerment through increasing Employability in the Republic of Moldova", which is implemented by UN Women jointly with the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF) and Ministry of Economy (ME), with the financial support of the Swedish Government.