
“Apa-Canal Chisinau” urges to report thefts of manhole lids


SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” is concerned about the alarming increase in the number of thefts of cast iron manhole lids in the municipality of Chisinau, which became a profitable business for some. In this connection, the company warns that the uncovered manholes endanger the lives of people and the intactness of pipes and sewers, IPN reports.

In a press release, the company says that it takes measures to prevent such thefts, in concert with the police, but the people should also become involved. The people are encouraged to report the addresses where lids are absent and attempts to steal such covers so that the company’s specialists could take measures to ensure the safety of pedestrians and units of transport.

According to SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau”, over 4,000 lids were stolen in 1999-2016, while the damage caused to the company amounts to almost 5 million lei. A manhole lid cost about 1,300 lei. Reinforced concrete lids continue to be used as they are cheaper, but not so efficient and cannot be placed on the roadway.

There are about 100,000 manholes covered with cast iron or reinforced concrete lids in the municipality of Chisinau. Only 20,000 are managed by the water supplier, while the rest are under the management of other enterprises.

The residents can report the absence of lids or attempts to steal these on 022-25-66-66, 022-85-77-77 and by writing an email to the company’s address acc@acc.md.