A number of 25 to 70 leakages of water happen daily in the municipality of Chisinau, mainly in the quarters where the wear degree of pipes is high. The fissures in a worn segment of pipe in a period causes a rupture in another segment nearby owing to local mechanical and hydraulic shocks, IPN reports, quoting a press release of SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau”.
Also, the pipes in quarters are prefabricated from steel and weren’t hydro-insulated and protected from electrical corrosion. Even if the segment of pipe is repaired, owing to the specific electrical indicators of the soil in the give area, new leakages occur on the same segment in a period.
As to the reactions of some of the consumers, who say that they have to pay for the losses caused by leakages, the public utility said the difference between the volumes indicated by water meters do not represent losses of water when the water leaks on the street. These are technological losses sustained by the water supplier. The housing sector managers responsible for the billing for the consumed water and sewerage services are obliged to distribute the consumed volumes and the difference indicated by the common meter of the block between dwellers.
To ensure the reliability of the water supply and to rehabilitate the municipal water supply system, “Apa-Canal Chisinau” in 2013 took out loans to the value of almost €62 million from the EBRD and EIB for rehabilitating about 200 km of water pipes and more than 3,000 of water mains.