
“Apa-Canal Chisinau” announces priorities for this year


SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC) pleads for making a series of changes to accelerate the process of modernizing the company and attracting more foreign investment. In a press release, the supplier said the announced reorganization does not envision layoffs. Those who held the restructured posts were named to other posts inside the company, in accordance with their professional training and experience. Under the new organogram, the company has 26 departments, some of the divisions being merged, IPN reports.

In the same development, concerning the priorities for this year, “Apa-Canal Chisinau” reminded that a pilot project to directly invoice the water supply and sewerage services was launched in January. The first stage covers consumers from 12 apartment buildings of Chisinau municipality. The decision to initiate the given project was taken as a result of complaints submitted by dwellers and in a move to minimize the difference between the volume of consumed water measured by the common block meter and the volume measured by individual meters.

One of the company’s priorities in 2018 is to complete the designing stage and to start the works to rehabilitate the wastewater treatment plant and to build new sludge treatment facilities.

Also, works to rehabilitate 140 km of water pipes and 7 km of sewer pipes will be launched in 2018. There will be finished the installation of the supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) and the fixing of the 26 installations at pumping stations.

In the course of this year, the company’s specialists will take different measures aimed at modernizing the services provided to consumers. Among these is the inauguration of a new information center. The supplier assures that it wil continue to take care of the quality of drinking water from wells and springs. SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” cleans and disinfects wells each year.