
ANUC seeks implementation of efficient mechanism for managing funds for culture


The National Association of Creation Unions (ANUC) asks the politicians to propose a legislative initiative aimed at depoliticizing the finances for culture, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The previous government told us how the funds should be used. They though they were solving the cultural problems that way. We ask the present government to intervene. We, the people of culture, must have the right to decide how to spend this money,” director Mihai Fusu, a member of ANUC, said in a news conference. Another member of the Association, Veaceslav Reabcinski, said the legislation should be modified or new laws should be adopted so as to institute am effective mechanism for managing the funds allocated for culture. Director Constantin Cheianu, who is also a member of ANUC, said that culture in Moldova is only for those who 'make' culture. “We have been separated from the public. They (the politicians – e.n.) do not realize that culture can also help achieve European values. Culture has the same rights as all the other spheres,” Cheianu said. The members of ANUC said they recently launched a campaign themed “A Vote for Culture” aimed at sensitizing the pope to the cultural problems and initiating the modification of the legislation. Debates on the given issue will be held in different settlements of Moldova in November and December this year.