
ANRE started public consultation on a new gas supply and use regulation


The National Agency for Energy Regulations (ANRE) presented for public consultation, on its web page, the draft of a new gas supply and use regulation, procedure lasting for a month. According to ANRE director Anatol Burlacov this week, the agency addressed letters to enterprises working on gas market, Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure, National Confederation of Employers, producers’ National Association, all consumers’ protection associations, asking comments on the draft addressed for public consultation. Burlacov mentioned that the agency would examine all observations and suggestions formulated by the interested parts in this project, after it would be discussed, in public meetings, and than approved by the Administration Council of ANRE. The document includes a new section “Parts’ rights and obligations” and a revised and completed one „Connection of use apparatus of the consumers to gas network”, sections including many provisions directed to ensure protection of consumers’ rights and interests. The regulation has as purpose to regulate the relations between the supplier/delivering unit and consumer regarding the connection to gas network, contract, gas supply and payment, as well as its use by consumers. In the same time, it sets gas contract rules, equipment connection of the consumer to gas network, procedures foreseen for switch off, ceasing, and limitation of gas supply, as well as technical and organisational provisions of gas equipment functioning. The document can be accessed on the web page of the agency: www.anre.md. Observations and proposals to it can be sent via e-mail: anre@anre.md, or fax: 224 698, or post to ANRE, str. Columna 90.