ANRE sees no obstacle to annulling prior notification for oil companies
The director of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) said the institution he heads sees no obstacle to annulling the provision whereby oil companies are forced to inform the regulator about their intentions to modify oil prices three days beforehand. The only condition is that the recommendation issued by the National Agency for Competition Protection should be justified, Victor Parlicov stated for Info-Prim Neo.
“If the given provision hampers competition it can be removed, but the competition watchdog must explain what the problem is,” said Victor Parlicov.
In a news conference on February 17, the head of the National Agency for Competition Protection Viorica Carare said they issued a recommendation for the national energy regulator, asking that it analyzes the necessity of prior notification. She also said that a fine of 2 million lei was imposed on seven oil companies for reaching cartel agreements.