
ANRE requests energy suppliers to better inform indebted consumers about potential cut-offs


Electricity suppliers have the right to cut off consumers for overdue bills not earlier than 10 days from the deadline imprinted on the bill, and not from the date of its issuance or sending, the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) asserts. Following a large number of complaints over the illegality of the cut-offs, ANRE has urged the suppliers to strictly observe the procedures for cutting off indebted consumers. ANRE director Nicolae Triboi requested the energy suppliers to put in place effective mechanisms in order to better inform all the consumers about the procedures for terminating electricity service for non-payment. The suppliers were also requested to cut off the indebted consumers only after the reasons for failing to pay the bills have been fully elucidated. Anatol Barbei, head of ANRE press unit, told Info-Prim Neo that extra measures of getting the population informed are needed because most of the consumers do not read the information written on the back of the electric bill. The suppliers should do better to inform the consumers, as this is their obligation, Barbei said. Starting 1 August 2007, electricity distributors (REDs) are sending new types of bills to household consumers. Under the new rules, approved by ANRE in July, electric bills must be paid within 10 days from the date specified on them. REDs have the right to disconnect the consumers who failed to pay the bills in time, without any additional warnings.