
ANRE launches Energy Service Consumer’s Guide


The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) will publish, with the assistance of the International Development and Cooperation Swedish Agency (SIDA), the Energy Services Consumer’s Guide, according to Agency’s press release. According to ANRE manager, Anatol Burlacov, the purpose of editing this booklet is to inform the electric power, central heating and gas consumers about their rights and their ways of defending their consumer rights. According to him, the guide will include comments and explanations of the specialists on the aspects related to consumers included in the legislative, normative and regulations acts of the energy field. „We want this guide to provide answers to the most of questions that concern the consumers of energy services of the republic,” ANRE manager mentioned. The energy regulation authority also announces that the publishing’s editing will be included in the draft of a technical assistance agreement provided by the Swedish Agency to the energy sector of RM, project discussed during the recent meeting of the ANRE decision-making bodies with Gunnar Olvik, program coordinator of the Swedish Embassy in Chisinau, and Annelie Gabrielson, advisor in energy issues within „SIDA”. The project stipulates providing technical assistance in three fields: thermo-energy, using energy regenerating sources and improving ANRE activity. It is foreseen to this matter as well providing assistance in the adjustment process of the national regulation framework in the energy field to the European Union Standards, process that ANRE is engaged in.